SNV together with the FC and Kasa and other partners from the participating countries put together a proposal on getting Ghana and other two countries ready for REDD+. REDD+ countries like Ghana are required to provide information on how safeguards have been respected and to set up a Safeguards Information System (SIS) as a requirement for accessing results based payments (Decision 9/CP.19 paragraph 3).


The project ”Operationalising National Safeguard Requirements for Results-based Payments from REDD+” aims to assist regional leaders in REDD+ readiness, to put in place a SIS and meet multiple safeguard requirements to be eligible for results-based payments.



The project works along four work packages.


  1. Development and dissemination of global knowledge products and country best practices.


  1. Development and operationalization of comprehensive Country-Led Safeguard Approaches, including national SIS.


  1. Introduction of subnational Low-Emissions Development Plans (LEDPs)


  1. Incorporate Participatory Forest Monitoring (PFM) into National Forest Monitoring Systems (NFMS) and examine its potential contribution to national SIS.


The project is designed to contribute to sustainable development at national policy, subnational planning and site-based activity levels; and designed to use target countries as regional hubs to promote and allow for context-specific replication in other countries/landscapes.


Project title Operationalising National Safeguard Requirements for Results-based Payments from REDD+
 Country/countries of implementation Vietnam, Ghana and Peru

Project duration


12-2015 to 11-2018



The project will have two key overall outcomes:

  1. Immediate Intended Outcome: Three regional hub country governments – Vietnam, Ghana and Peru – are eligible for results-based payments through the establishment of country-led safeguard systems and improved institutional capacity for REDD+ safeguards implementation, monitoring and reporting at national and sub-national levels.


  1. Wider Learning Outcome: An important further outcome is improved technical knowledge among REDD+ countries in the three regions on how to implement CSAs to meet and operationalise multiple REDD+ safeguard requirements.



In Ghana there are three partners including SNV, Kasa and FC (REDD+)


Kasa Initiative Ghana

Function/role in the project proposed

  • Under the technical direction of CLP, offer inputs and contribute to the development and review of the outputs under work package 1 (especially contextualising the knowledge products).


  • Working closely with SNV, assist with the organisation and facilitation of national consultation processes (meetings, workshops etc), engaging relevant stakeholders in the development Country-led Safeguards Approach and Safeguards Information System (work package II).


  • Contribute to the design and facilitation of awareness raising and capacity building activities, and the dissemination of information to all relevant stakeholders.


  • Provide technical inputs which contribute to the development and review of the outputs under work package 2


Forestry Commission of Ghana, REDD+ Secretariat, Climate Change Unit


  1. ensuring country-led safeguard systems are embedded into national policy processes;
  2. supporting a regional safeguards learning event;
  3. and coordinating alignment with proposed FCPF Emissions Reductions Program. Prior contact has been initiated and the project outline was shared with government partners and received with a positive response. A supporting letter is provided.

SNV will provide overall project management, coordination, quality control and monitoring. SNV will ensure that the activities are executed on time and the results and goals are met.

  • Be responsible for timely delivery of progress reports to BMUB.

Lead on Outputs 2, 3 and

Operationalising National Safeguard Requirements for Results-based Payments from REDD+